Check-in Time: 4:00PM Daily
Check-Out Time: 3:00PM Daily
To reserve campsites scroll to the bottom and click the Reserve Camping button.
Overnight Camping at Turner Falls Park is charged by the vehicle plus admission for all guests.
No pets, glass bottles, or fireworks allowed.
Children under 13 must wear a Coast Guard certified life jacket to enter the water.

WINTER (OCT 1 - APR 30): $15.00 + Admission
SUMMER (MAY 1 - SEPT 30): $20.00 + Admission
You Must purchase daily admission for everyone in your vehicle for everyday you occupy the park before 4:00PM.
There is no water or electricity in the campsites.
Mobile toilets are not allowed to be used in the park!
***Rates are subject to change without notice and do not include sales tax or any applicable fees.***